Sunday, January 23, 2011

Women and More Professional Sports

Ever since I was 5 years old I have been playing softball. My parents have, not forced me, per se, but wanted me to explore other sports like most parents do with their children. I have played soccer and basketball, done vaulting, which is gymnastics on horses, done gymnastics, ballet, jazz and tap like most little girls. I fell in love with softball though and have never thought of not playing.
Then, I hit my senior year of high school and knew that I was not going to be able to, at first, go to a college where I would be able to play softball and this freaked me out. I thought, “Oh my goodness, how can I not play softball? It’s been my life for 13 years!” This got me started thinking about how boys get to go on and play professional sports for the rest of their lives if they wanted. Yes, women have basketball, soccer and tennis as professional sports, but men have baseball, basketball, hockey, soccer, tennis and football.  I cannot wait to see when women have a wide variety of professional sports like the men do.

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